Christian Ortiz

IoT and cibersecurity: An introduction to Quantum Entanglement

The day I thought of her, she also thought of me. Why does love work like this? Why, even far away, both can still feel? Is love a quantum effect? Maybe it is quantum entanglement... On a winter day I...

Round of 16 World Cup Russia 2018: An introduction to central tendency

December 2nd, 2017 The World Cup Groups have been defined: We highlight in yellow the best teams in each Group according to the FIFA ranking of October 2017. In parentheses we specify the position in that ranking....

Atletism: An introduction to quantum models free-electron, tight binding, Boltzmann, and ab-initio

What is the oldest sport in the world? -asked the Professor. A silence filled the hall... That question had nothing to do with quantum physics! In a sprint race, athletes run from one side to the other...

La era IoT y la ciber-seguridad: Una introducción al Quantum Entanglement

Curiosamente el día que pensé en ella, ella también pensó en mi.  ¿Por qué el amor funciona así? ¿Por qué aún lejos en la distancia ambos se pueden aún sentir? ¿Será la cuántica que explica...